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Ethics and Compliance|Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

Ethics and Compliance

Ethics and Compliance

SDG-related Initiatives

CSV Goals (Creating Shared Value) *The base year is 2015 and the target year is 2025 unless otherwise noted.

Human rights
  • 100% : Adherence to Supplier Guiding Principles across the Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. Group value chain
  • 100% : Sustainable sourcing

Ethics and compliance policies

In order to be a sustainable business, the CCBJH Group must fulfill its social responsibilities and every individual employee should always act appropriately. As part of this, we have enacted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and we promote a corporate culture that emphasizes ethics and compliance. In line with our Mission, Vision, and Values, we value acting with integrity and trust.
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics covers four areas: right conduct, respect of human rights, dealing with stakeholders, and conflicts of interest. All employees are expected to observe all laws and regulations as well as the Code, internal rules, and workplace principles. They are also expected to act with integrity and honesty, to think before acting, and to seek guidance when in doubt.

Compliance education

To further foster and inculcate high ethical standards and compliance awareness within the Group, we regularly disseminate ethics and compliance bulletins to all employees, and implement awareness and education activities, including training for specific groups—such as management or new employees—and e-learning for all employees.

Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline

We have set up the Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline (a dedicated email address and telephone number) so employees can directly consult about matters that conflict with, or may conflict with, the code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Anonymous consultation is available, and we are striving to raise awareness of the hotline and create an environment that facilitates consultation by a variety of means, such as issuing ethics and compliance bulletins, posting the hotline contact details on the Group intranet and displaying posters in each workplace. When a report is received, it is investigated and if a violation is deemed to have occurred, it is dealt with appropriately and corrective measures are taken. We also strive to protect employees in the process of a consultation, and prohibit the disadvantageous treatment of any employee who initiates a report.

Ethics and compliance poster

Supplier Guiding Principles

The Supplier Guiding Principles are a set of guidelines for ensuring that suppliers understand and promote our values, such as the highest standards of quality, integrity, excellence, and legal compliance. Based on these, we require suppliers to build and implement ethical business processes that comply with laws and regulations.

*P16 Post Assessment Follow-Up : Facility will be assessed in 3 years for Green.

Audits Conducted Under Supplier Guiding Principles

The suppliers who provide us with raw materials and primary packaging materials undergo regular on-site audits conducted by an independent third party to ensure compliance with SGPs. Compliance with all applicable local laws and regulations will be confirmed in the items indicated in the Implementation Guide, and the results will be communicated through an Assessment Summary Report (ASR). In cases where suppliers fail to meet SGP requirements, they will be provided with necessary guidance and follow-up to continue until corrective actions are completed. We reserve the right to terminate an agreement with any supplier that cannot demonstrate that they are upholding SGP requirements.

Human Rights Assessment Process

To ensure the promotion of human and workplace rights as defined by The Coca-Cola Company, our plants undergo human rights assessments conducted by an independent third-party. These assessments are based on the human rights policy established by the Coca-Cola system. Furthermore, our suppliers, who provide us with raw materials and primary packaging materials are also assessed by an independent third-party organization. Under the implementation guide compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the provision of local laws and regulations, child labor and forced labor should be confirmed. Suppliers receive the results in the form of an ASR. If it is deemed not to meet the requirements, any necessary guidance will be provided. Follow-up will continue until corrective action plans are completed.

Supplier Evaluations Under EcoVadis

EcoVadis, an internationally recognized evaluation organization for corporate sustainability activities, operates according to established global sustainability standards such as GRI and ISO26000. With a network that spans over 175 countries, EcoVadis is trusted by 100,000 companies across 200 industries.
They analyze the presence or absence of supplier risks by evaluating performance in the four areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.
EcoVadis is adopted as part of the global Coca-Cola system. EcoVadis enables us to report and manage supplier evaluations within the entire system by sharing KPI settings and supplier scorecards of over 1,500 companies.
To improve management efficiency CCBJI utilizes EcoVadis to increase the visibility of the entire supply chain and incorporate best practices applied internally and externally.