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FAQs|Mid-Career Recruitment|Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.


  • Hiring Process

  • After Joining

  • Workstyles and Environment

  • About Our Company

  • Tell me how to apply for a job.

    The application method for the mid-Mid-Career Recruitment varies depending on the job.
    For details, please refer to the "View All Jobs" page.

  • Tell me about the application and screening schedule.

    After application, applicants will go through document screenings and several interviews. It will take about 1 to 1.5 month from application to job offer.
    * The screening schedule is subject to change depending on the job, screening timing, and circumstances.

  • Is it possible to apply for jobs that are not listed on the website?

    We do not accept applications for jobs that are not listed on the "View All Jobs" page. Please be aware of this in advance.

  • I was previously declined for a job at Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan, but can I apply again?

    Basically you can apply again. However, if you apply for a job or dept that you have been rejected most recently, you can do so only when the requirements have been changed.

  • Can a person who has no experience of the industry apply?

    It depends on the job or position. Please refer to the "View All Jobs" page for the requirements.

  • Are English skills required?

    It depends on the job or position. Please refer to the "View All Jobs" page for the requirements.

  • Tell me about the interview time and interview methods.

    Basically, we will conduct interviews during working hours on our working days (9:00-17:45). Interviews are conducted either face-to-face or online.
    *Currently, interviews are basically conducted online.

  • I have an acquaintance who works for Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan. Can I ask him to introduce me an open position?

    We have put in place the "Employee Referral Program", where employees introduce their acquaintances to the company. You can use this program to make an application, so please contact our employee.

  • Tell me about employment of people with disabilities.

    Our environment allows people with disabilities to work actively and with motivation by making use of their characteristics.
    Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Benefit, our group company, has been certified as a "special subsidiary" to promote and stabilize employment of people with disabilities, and is promoting further active roles as well as focusing on active creation of employment of such people.

  • Can people who cannot drink sparkling drinks work for you?

    It won't be a problem. Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan is engaged in the manufacturing, logistics, and sales of wide-ranging drinks that are not limited to sparkling drinks.

  • Tell me about the trainings after joining the company.

    After joining, you will have an orientation program for mid-career hires.
    We focus on people development, and provide wide-ranging educational programs via e-learning and correspondence courses that match the skill enhancement needs of individual employees, in addition to internal trainings by level and selective-type trainings.
    For details, please refer to the "Career Development & Trainings" page.

  • What kind of benefit programs do you have?

    To respond to the diversified needs of employees, we have introduced various programs.
    For details, please refer to the "Personnel Systems & Benefits" page.

  • Is there any possibility of transferring after joining the company?

    Yes, there is a possibility of transfer. Especially in sales positions, there is a possibility of transfer involving relocation to Tokyo and 37 other prefectures.

  • Is there any possibility of secondment or employment transfer to a group company?

    Pursuant to the provisions of Employment Regulations, change in the work location or job and/or task category or personnel shuffle such as appointment or dismissal to position with a title or secondment may be ordered, for workplace or operational reasons. In addition, employment transfer may be ordered upon agreement of the employee.
    The company may order an employee to transfer, station, change his/her place of work, or appoint to or dismiss from his/her position for operational reasons, or to second or dispatch to other companies or organizations for business reasons.
    *Matters related to secondment are pursuant to the "Secondment Regulations" defined separately.

  • Is there any possibility of transferring to another job or position?

    Yes, there is a possibility of transfer.
    And, we have the Job Posting system. We provide recruitment information by dept through the internal systems, etc., where employees can make an application if they want to.

  • Are there exams or anything like that to become a manager?

    No, there aren't. Employees who satisfy the requirements for being promoted to manager are appointed to managers through recommendation from division heads.

  • Tell me about workstyles in Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan.

    We introduced the work-from-home, satellite office work, super-flex, and direct-market/direct-home for the sales positions, to allow employees to set working hours and place of work according to individual's lifestyles. We promote flexible workstyles by increasing the options for workplace and working hours.

  • Tell me about the way of working and proceeding with the operations amid the COVID-19 crisis.

    Amid the COVID-19 crisis, employees who can work at home are, in principle, being instructed to work from home.
    We are loaning smartphones and PCs with webcams to employees, digitalizing not only normal operations but also paper-based operations, including the internal RFA and stamping operations, and in order to enhance communication, utilizing internal SNS to communicate with other depts and holding video conferences and online social gatherings.

  • Do you have systems to support childbirth, childcare, and nursing care?

    Yes, we have pre-natal/post-natal leaves, childcare leave, childcare leave in gradual-entry period, reduced working hours for childcare, nursing care leave, and reduced working hours for nursing care, etc.
    We are actively addressing the creation of workplace environment where employees who request leaves can not only return to work 100% but also balance between work and child raising or nursing care while fully demonstrating their abilities.
    For details, please refer to the "Personnel Systems & Benefits" page.

  • Tell me about your initiatives for diversity such as women's roles.

    Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Group regards the promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I, hereafter) as one of the essential business strategies for our continuous development. In order to accelerate D&I in the entire group, we have identified "DEAR" as the symbol for diversity promotion and are working toward speedy execution of D&I actions in the group.
    For specific initiatives, please refer to the "Diversity & Inclusion" page.
    And for the company-wide initiatives on SDGs, please refer to the "Coca-Cola System Sustainability Framework" page and the "Inclusion" page.

  • Do you have dormitories and corporate housing?

    In accordance with the company regulations, company-contracted properties are provided as dormitory/corporate housing when certain conditions are met.

  • Tell me about overtime work.

    We improve capabilities of each and every employee and increase productivity to reduce working hours by encouraging flexible workstyles through introduction of the work-from-home, satellite office work, and super-flex system.

  • Tell me about using paid leaves.

    In Coca Cola Bottlers Japan, we promote employees' use of paid leaves by introducing the followings; The "planned paid leave system", which makes it mandatory to take paid leaves in a planned manner by planning the days to take paid leaves in advance at the beginning of the year, and the "hourly paid leave system" which allows employees to take leaves in increments of one hour.

  • Do you have retirement benefits?

    The retirement benefit system applicable for our employees is comprised of the 2 systems; "Lump-sum retirement allowance plan", where employees receive the allowance in a lump sum at the time of retirement, and "Defined contribution pension (DC)" where the company contributes to the system and employees themselves manage the funds to receive them after they become 60 years old.
    In addition, we introduced the "matching contribution" system where employees can make extra contributions, to accelerate the speed of asset formation.

  • Are employees allowed to do side jobs?

    Under certain conditions, employees are allowed to do side jobs when they are screened from the perspective of whether they will be able to bring self-growth to the employee and innovation to the company, and approved.

  • Tell me about internal events (circle activities, etc.).

    There is a circle activity system where employees are engaged in sports activities with their colleagues. As of 2021, there are about 19 circles.
    "Sawayaka walk," an internal walking event implemented for employees' health maintenance and promotion, and activation of communication.
    Others such as the cafe meetings with the management team including the president are held to establish a place for frank conversations with the management level. *Currently the cafe meetings are held online.

    Before the COVID-19 crises, we held "Friends & Family Fes 2019" to which employees' families and loved ones were invited. Other various internal events are also held.

  • Tell me about the difference between Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan and Coca-Cola Japan.

    Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan is engaged in the manufacturing, sales, logistics, and collection of products, while Coca-Cola Japan is engaged in the supply of product concentrate and marketing activities including planning & development and advertisement of products.
    We manufacture products under strict quality management at each plant, and through customers' outlets and vending machines, deliver Coca-Cola products to consumers.
    For details, please refer to the "Coca-Cola System in Japan" page.

  • Is the sales area of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan all over Japan?

    No, our sales area is Tokyo and 37 other prefectures. Other areas are managed by other bottlers, Hokkaido Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd., Michinoku Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd., Hokuriku Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd., and Okinawa Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
    For details, please refer to the "Coca-Cola System in Japan" page.

  • What is the average service years of employees?

    It is 16.9 years.