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Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan donated to Kagawa Prefecture part of the proceeds from its FOSHU products and Foods with Function Claims sold in the prefecture | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

News Release

News Release

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan donated to Kagawa Prefecture part of the proceeds from its FOSHU products and Foods with Function Claims sold in the prefecture

Jul 30, 2021
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. (Headquarters in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & President Calin Dragan; hereafter “CCBJI”) donated part of its proceeds from Foods for Specified Health Uses and Foods with Function Claims that CCBJI sells in Kagawa Prefecture based on the "Health Promotion Agreement,” which was concluded with the prefecture. On July 30, CCBJI presented a donation certificate to Mr. Atsushi Toki, General Manager of Health and Welfare Department, Kagawa Prefecture.


From the left: Mr. Atsushi Toki, General Manager of Health and Welfare Department, Kagawa Prefecture and Shuzo Kawahigashi, Manager, Vending East Shikoku SC, CCBJI


This donation has been made every year based on the "Health Promotion Agreement,” which was entered into with Kagawa Prefecture in October 2017, making it the fourth time this year. The donation has been utilized for a Kagawa health point project, "My Challe Kagawa!"*1 which is a scheme to promote health while having fun.

*1: URL to a dedicated website for the Kagawa health point project, "My Challe Kagawa!":


[Outline of donation]

■Date of donation: Friday, July 30, 2021

■Donation to: Kagawa Prefecture

■Donation amount: 472,386 yen (Applicable sales period: From April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021)


[Applicable products to donation]

9 SKUs, 11 packages

■Foods for Specified Health Uses: 

Karada Sukoyaka Cha W 350ml and 1.05L PET bottles

Coca-Cola Plus 470ml PET bottle

Sprite Extra 470ml PET bottle

Ayataka Tokusencha 500ml and 1.0L PET bottles


■Foods with Function Claims: 

Karada Odayakacha W 350ml PET bottle

Karada Meguri Cha Advance 410ml PET bottle

Karada Meguri Cha Moistia 410ml PET bottle

Sokenbicha Kenkosozai No Mughicha  600ml PET bottle

Aquarius S-Body  500ml PET bottle  


[Comment from Mr. Atsushi Toki, General Manager of Health and Welfare Department, Kagawa Prefecture]

CCBJI has been actively engaged in health promotion activities on a daily basis, and we are deeply grateful for its great cooperation in our project. While interest in health and food has grown in recent years, an increase in diet-related diseases has become a major issue. In addition, there are concerns about lack of exercise and poor diet due to changes in living environments caused by the effects of COVID-19. As each and every one of the citizens of Kagawa Prefecture is further required to gain correct knowledge of diet, develop preferable eating habits, and adopt a healthy diet, we have been comprehensively promoting good health according to their life stage based on making efforts to promote their healthy lifestyles themselves in accordance with Healthy Kagawa 21 Health Plan. We greatly appreciate its donation and will use it for the Kagawa health point project to implement activities carried out jointly by public and private sectors for our citizens, by developing a scheme to grant points towards the improvement of their lifestyle habits such as exercise and diet as well as towards health promotion efforts such as taking medical examinations


[Comment from Shuzo Kawahigashi, Manager, Vending East Shikoku SC, CCBJI]

This was the fourth time for us to present the donation based on the "Health Promotion Agreement," which was concluded in October 2017. Part of the proceeds from our FOSHU products and Foods with Function Claims that we deliver are used for the Kagawa health point project "My Challe Kagawa!" with which Kagawa Prefecture promotes good health throughout the prefecture. This is truly a fulfillment of our “mission” and a realization of CSV (Creating Shared Value) we aim for. We will continue to work with Kagawa Prefecture, proactively propose this kind of initiative to make contributions to the community, and provide safe and reliable products and services which are essential to daily life.


Under CCBJI’s corporate philosophy, “Paint it Red!”, it aims to fulfill its “mission” to deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value; work on CSV (Creating Shared Value) through its core business to address community challenges; and continue to join hands with various partners going forward.


Please see here for the PDF version.


*Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.