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Privacy Policy | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. (hereafter "the Company"), respect the importance of personal information, observe the laws and ordinances that apply to the protection of personal information to ensure its safety, and hereby establish the following Privacy Policy to serve as the basis for our future activities.
This Privacy Policy applies to all activities relating to the personal information possessed by the Company and its group companies listed in *1(hereafter "the Group").

1.Defining Personal Information

"Personal information" means any information that allows identifying an individual, including name, postal code, address, telephone number, age, date of birth, gender, profession, and e-mail address.

2.Gathering and Using Personal Information

The Group may gather and use the customers' personal information among its group or in cooperation with companies in the Coca-Cola system listed in *2 (hereafter "Coca-Cola system companies") for the purpose of offering a variety of services to its customers, which include: sales of products and sales promotion activities; prize contests and other promotional campaign activities; response to inquiries and requests from the customers, and membership-based services for providing information on products, events and other subjects.

Also, the Group may gather and use personal information in cooperation with retail stores, etc. (the Group's clients, etc.) for providing services related to prize contests, other promotional campaign activities, and inquiries / requests from the customers.

The Group will gather its customers' personal information within the scope that is reasonable and necessary, indicate the purpose of use and the presence of any joint users, and clearly state that customers should provide their personal information on their own discretion. If it becomes necessary to make use of personal information beyond the explicitly pre-defined scope, the Group will notify or announce the new purpose(s) of use, and customers will be free to accept or refuse this.

Please note that the customers who do not wish to provide their personal information or do not consent to new purposes of use may not be able to use the services that required personal information in order to make them available.

In addition, for the purpose of preventing crimes, there are security cameras installed in some of the vending machines that are set to start filming when a criminal act or any other forms of abnormality take place.

Typical cases in which personal information is used among the Group or jointly with Coca-Cola system companies include:

  • When receiving inquires or requests from the customers

    The parties making joint use of personal information will be the Group and Coca-Cola system companies, and the Company (see here for its address and the name of the representative heading the Company; the same shall apply hereafter) will be responsible toward the customers for managing their personal information.
    Information used jointly is for responding to a request including the address, name, and telephone number of the person filing the request.
    Please be advised that follow-up activities to check the quality and level of performance of the actions taken to respond to inquiries / requests from the customers may be conducted to the extent necessary and reasonable for the purpose of improving customer services.

  • When engaging in product sales, promotional activities or repair/ maintenance, etc. of sales equipment

    The parties making joint use of personal information will be the Group and Coca-Cola system companies, and the Company will be responsible for managing the jointly used personal information.
    Information used jointly include the name and contact information of the business partners (and the person(s) representing the business partners) that are required for transactions.
    Such information are jointly used for the purpose of engaging in product sales, promotional activities or repair / maintenance, etc. of sales equipment.

  • When the Group engages in prize contents and other promotional campaigns

    The party making joint use of personal information will be the Group and Coca-Cola system companies, and the Company will be responsible for managing the jointly used personal information.
    Information used jointly include the name and contact information of the business partners (and the person(s) representing the business partners) that are required for transactions.

  • When the Group engages in prize contents and other promotional campaigns

    The party making joint use of personal information will be the Group, and the Company will be responsible for managing the jointly used personal information.
    Information used jointly include the address, name, age and telephone number, etc. of those who applied to the prize contest, etc., and any other information required to notify the winners about the outcome.
    Such information are jointly used for the purpose of engaging in prize contests and other promotional campaign activities.
    With the exception of cases where the Company clearly explains the purpose of use and the customer gives its consent, the personal information of all those who applied to the prize contest, etc., will not be retained continuously, provided that the information on the winners of the prize contest, etc. will be stored for a given period of time during the campaign.
    Please be reminded that applicants cannot win in multiple promotional campaigns held concurrently for the same product during the same period due to restrictions put into effect under the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations. In order to avoid such instances, the Company may collate the winners' lists with promotional campaign organizers.
    Personal information that the Company obtained by March 31, 2005, which is prior to the effective date of Act on the Protection of Personal Information (put into force in its entirety on April 1, 2005) shall be continually used for the purpose described above.

3.Managing and Protecting Personal Information

Personal information provided by the customers will be managed appropriately under the responsibility of the personal information administrator. The Group will endeavor to protect personal information by taking reasonable and necessary measures against illicit external access, loss and damage, etc.

The Group may also consign the handling of personal information to a contractor within the scope that is necessary to provide better services. In such cases, the Group will ensure that the contractor manages and protects personal information appropriately by taking measures such as imposing on them the obligations to do so through the conclusion of a contract and taking other additional steps wherever needed necessary.

The specific measures for safety management of personal information taken by the Group are defined in the Group’s internal regulations including CCBJH Group Regulations for the Protection of Personal Information and CCBJH Group Standards for the Safety management and Handling of Personal Information.

For more information on how the Group gathers personal information and what kind of measures are taken to ensure its safety, please file an inquiry using the inquiry form provided under 9. Inquiry.

4.Avoiding the Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
The Group will not provide any customers’ personal information to any third party unless:
The customer gives its consent;
The personal information is used jointly with a joint user as stipulated in 2. above;
The Group consigns the handling of personal information to a contractor within the scope that is necessary to provide better services;
The provision of personal information is necessary to protect lives and bodies of human beings or properties, and acquisition of the consent of the customer is difficult;
The provision of personal information is legally requested by the police or other public institution;
Other cases where the provision and disclosure of personal information are considered acceptable pursuant to laws and ordinances.
5.Disclosing Personal Data Retained Held by the Group and Records Provided to a Third Party
If a customer wishes its personal information or records provided to a third party (*3)to be disclosed, the Group will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and based on procedures stipulated by the Group, disclose, without delay and upon conducting any necessary examination, etc., the requested customer's personal information or records provided to a third party that it retains for the period stipulated by laws and ordinances (or notify the customer if the requested personal information or records provided to a third party do not exist), unless such disclosure:
Would lead to risking the life, body, assets or other rights and interests of the customer or third party;
Could hinder the Group's business significantly;
Would be a violation of laws and/or ordinances.
6. Correcting, Adding, Deleting, Suspending the Use of, Erasing and Suspending the Third-Party Provision of Personal Information Retained by the Group

If a customer wishes its personal information or records provided to a third party (*3)to be corrected, added or deleted (hereafter “correction, etc.”) because they are not factually correct, the Group will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and based on procedures stipulated by the Group, perform, without delay and upon conducting any necessary examination, etc., the requested correction, etc. of the personal information of the customer and business partners that it retains for the period stipulated by laws and ordinances.

Likewise, if the customer wishes the Group to stop using or erase its personal information because it was obtained or handled illegitimately for unauthorized purposes restricted in this Privacy Policy or in applicable laws and ordinances, or because it has become no longer necessary for the Group to use it, or because the customer wishes to suspend the use of its personal information for the Group’s services to provide information through e-mails, etc. (hereafter "suspension of use, etc."), the Group will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and based on procedures stipulated by the Group including the self-identification process, stop using or erase the personal information without delay and upon conducting any necessary examination, etc.

Furthermore, if the customer wishes to stop its personal information to be provided to a third party because it has been provided to a third party in unauthorized ways restricted in this Privacy Policy or in applicable laws and ordinances, or because it has become no longer necessary for the Group to use it, the Group will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and based on procedures stipulated by the Group including the self-identification process, stop using or erase the personal information without delay and upon conducting any necessary examination, etc.

7.Important Note

This Privacy Policy covers the website managed and operated by the Group. The Group's website may show links to external websites, etc. that are not managed nor operated by the Group. Please note that the Group is not responsible for services offered by external websites, etc. that are not managed nor operated by the Group.

8.About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and revised as appropriate. In such cases, the revised version will be posted on the website.


For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy and any other personal information-related matters, please contact the following:
For information on the Company’s address and the name of the representative heading the Company, please click here.

Go to the Inquiry Form

10. Supplementary Provisions

This Policy has come into effect on April 1, 2017.
This Policy has been revised and taking effect from January 1, 2018.
This Policy has been revised and taking effect from April 1, 2022.
This Policy has been revised and taking effect from January 4, 2024.

*1 In this Privacy Policy, the Group companies refer to the following companies:
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.
Coca-Cola Customer Marketing Company Co., Ltd.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Vending Inc.
FV Japan Co., Ltd.
Kadiac Co., Ltd.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Business Services Inc.
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Benefit Inc.
NeoArc Inc.
*2 Coca-Cola system companies mentioned under 2. Gathering and Using Personal Information of this Privacy Policy refer to the following companies:
Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Limited
Hokkaido Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
Michinoku Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
Hokuriku Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
Okinawa Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.

*3 Described below are the Group’s predefined procedures for 5. Disclosing the Personal Data Retained by the Group and 6. Correcting, Adding, Deleting, Suspending the Use of, Erasing and Suspending the Third-Party Provision of Personal Information Retained by the Group.

  • Procedure taken when the Group receives a request from a customer who wishes its personal data retained by the Group or records provided to a third party to be disclosed

    If a customer files a request for the disclosure of its personal information retained by the Group for the period stipulated by laws and ordinances, the Group will, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, disclose the said personal information upon verifying the identity of the person filing the request.

    The Group will accept requests for the disclosure of personal information sent via postal mail enclosed with the required documents specified below (1 and 2). Once the identity of the requester is verified through the submitted documents (1 and 2), the Group will disclose the requested personal information to the person filing the request by sending written documents via postal mail or transmitting electronic files via e-mail.

    The Group will be unable to comply with the request for personal information disclosure if the Group determines that it is not possible to identify the person filing the request based on the submitted documents. Please also be reminded in advance that these documents will not be returned to the sender.

    (1) Request for Disclosure ( )PDF

    Please fill in the required information on the form specified by the Group and send it by postal mail to the following address together with the document for self-identification (2).

    (2) Document for self-identification

    Any documents issued by administrative authorities or institutions deemed equivalent by the Group that enable the Group to verify the address and the name registered in the Group’s database, which include an official copy of the family register, copy of the driver's license, health insurance card or other certificate that can be used for self-identification.
    In case the request for disclosure is made through a representative, documents that enable the Group to identify both the person filing the request and his/ her representative, as well as a letter of attorney to a representative bearing the name, address, and seal of the person filing the request

    (3) Postal mail address

    “Personal Information Disclosure” Reception Desk
    Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.
    Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6211

  • Procedure taken when the Group receives a request from a customer wishing for correction, etc., suspension of use, and/or suspension of third-party provision of its personal information retained by the Group

    When a customer wishes for corrections, etc. to be made to the personal information held by the Group for the period stipulated by laws and ordinances, or for the suspension of use in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Group will, as in cases where a customer wishes for the disclosure of the personal information retained by the Group, carry out the necessary procedures upon verifying the customer's identity, as follows.

    Requests for corrections, etc., suspension of use of or suspension of third-party provision of personal information retained by the Group will be accepted via postal mail sent to the address specified below and enclosed with the required documents specified below (1 and 2). Once the identity of the requester is verified through the submitted documents (1 and 2), the Group will carry out the requested corrections, etc., suspension of use or suspension of third-party provision of the said personal information, and notify the requester in writing or through e-mail upon completion. The Group will be unable to comply with the request for personal information disclosure if the Group determines that it is not possible to identify the person filing the request based on the submitted documents. Please also be reminded in advance that these documents will not be returned to the sender.

    (1) Request for Correction, Suspension of Use, Suspension of Third-Party Provision, etc. ( )PDF

    Please fill in the required information on the form specified by the Group and send it by postal mail to the following address together with the document for self-identification (2).

    (2) Document for self-identification

    Any documents issued by administrative authorities or institutions deemed equivalent by the Group that enable the Group to verify the address and the name registered in the Group’s database, which include an official copy of the family register, copy of the driver's license, health insurance card or other certificate that can be used for self-identification.
    In case the request for disclosure is made through a representative, documents that enable the Group to identify both the person filing the request and his/ her representative, as well as a letter of attorney to a representative bearing the name, address, and seal of the person filing the request

    (3) Postal mail address

    “Personal Information Correction, etc.” Reception Desk
    Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.
    Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6211

  • Expenses

    The Group's procedures for disclosing and making corrections, etc. to the personal information will not require any expenses on part of the users of the Group's services. In cases 1. and 2. above, however, customers will bear the postage expenses for the documents sent to the Group for the requested procedures. Service users may also bear expenses when preparing documents for their self-identification.

  • Procedures for the disclosure of personal information and corrections, etc.

    The procedures for disclosing or making corrections, etc. to the personal information stipulated herein may be reviewed and revised as appropriate. In such cases, the revised version will be posted on the website.

  • Inquiries

    For any inquires on the procedures for the disclosure and corrections, etc. of personal information stipulated herein or on any other related matters not mentioned above, please contact the following.

    Go to the Inquiry Form