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CCBJH Issues Annual Review 2021 “Leverage the foundation we have built and focus on sustainable growth" | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


CCBJH Issues Annual Review 2021 “Leverage the foundation we have built and focus on sustainable growth"
~Highlights of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan’s business models, business overview, and business strategies for sustainable growth~

Jun 14, 2022
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. has issued the Annual Review 2021 today on the company website ( 


The Annual Review 2021 lays out Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan’s business model, key strategies and activities. The review reports on our business performance, as well as initiatives in the area of Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG).


Messages from the management team include the President’s message discussing how we have steered the company through a challenging business environment, key transformation achievements and management strategies for medium to long-term growth. The CFO’s message sets out details of our business performance and financial strategies to further enhance shareholder value creation. The review also carries messages from the Head of Commercial and the Head of SCM, key business areas of the company. The review also describes our efforts in ESG areas, such as progress toward our non-financial Creating Shared Value (CSV) goals, enhance human resources management with Diversity and Inclusion, and initiatives to strengthen corporate governance.


Under an intense competitive environment that continued throughout 2021, we remained focused on driving transformation to build a firm foundation for sustainable growth with the guiding principle that “business as usual is not an option.” Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings will continue transformation to return to a growth trajectory. We are making strenuous efforts to supply beverages that are essential to everyday life, with the highest priority on the safety and peace of mind of our stakeholders.


【Outline of Annual Review 2021】
Date of release: Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Period reviewed: January 2021 to December 2021(including some activities reported in 2022.)
Japanese version
English version


Key contents:
Leaders' Perspective: Our Value Creation Story
-Corporate philosophy
-Top message
-Message from the CFO
-Working toward sustainable growth over the medium to long term

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan at a glance
-Overview of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan
-Financial and sustainability highlights

The Challenge of Value Creation
-Value creation process
-Commercial activities / Message from Head of Commercial
-Supply chain initiatives / Message from Head of SCM
-Initiatives for digital transformation
-Initiatives to enhance human resources management and organizational strengths
-Initiatives for creating shared value

Governance and Financial Framework
-Corporate governance
-Financial information
-Company profile, etc.


※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.