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Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Renews People Strategy to Achieve Vision 2028 Strategic Business Plan | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Renews People Strategy to Achieve Vision 2028 Strategic Business Plan
Creating Business Growth by Enhancing Human Capital

Feb 14, 2024
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. is renewing its People Strategy to strengthen its human capital, a key component of its strategic business plan, “Vision 2028.” 


The new People Strategy sets forth our vision for human capital and enhances the foundation for sustainable profitable growth. Through this strategy, we aim to achieve the goals of “Vison 2028” and improve corporate value.


Key themes of the people strategy derived from business challenges  


We defined our vision of human capital, essential to achieving the goals of “Vision 2028” across the areas of people, culture and organization. To accelerate towards our vision of human capital, we have identified challenges we face and formulated the focus areas of the People Strategy. Our initial focus is on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I), which aligns closely with our overarching focus areas and drives the overall People Strategy forward. To measure our progress, we have established main KPIs and targets: (1) achieving 100%*2 male employees taking childcare leave by 2025, up from 83.3%*1, and (2) increasing female managers to 20% by 2030, from the current 7.4%*1. Additionally, we aim to retain 33.3%*1 of our female directors through strategic succession planning programs and improve the gender wage gap by 84.0%*1 through initiatives such as increasing the number of female managers and reducing overtime work hours. These endeavors are geared towards enhancing the diversity of work styles and promoting the wellbeing of all employees, ultimately leading to maximize individual and organizational performance within a culture where diversity is celebrated as a driver of success.


Implementation of mechanisms to accelerate People Strategy


To expedite the implementation of our People Strategy, we've introduced two key mechanisms: firstly, establishing KPIs and targets for key initiatives to monitor progress and achievement; secondly, dedicating 2/3 of time in the executive leadership team meeting to discuss the People Strategy and to drive the key initiatives for sustainable growth of the business. Through these mechanisms, our aim is to achieve the "Vision 2028" by strengthening human capital with strong commitment to the People Strategy by management.
 Aligned with our corporate philosophy, "Paint it RED! Let’s Repaint our Future.", our mission is to deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value. As we aspire to generate value for our stakeholders and continue to be the preferred partner for decades to come, we will continue advancing towards sustainable growth and increased corporate value by prioritizing the enhancement of human capital, a cornerstone of "Vision 2028", through the renewal of our People Strategy.


Overview of People Strategy


To achieve “Vision 2028,” contribute to business growth through people, culture, and organization


■Our Vision of Human Capital
  ●Strong ownership over personal development and career
  ●Collaboration with other individuals
  ●Fulfillment and happiness through business success and personal growth


  ●Embrace new challenges and growth mindset
  ●Embed performance-driven culture
  ●Leverage diversity as a strength by fostering an inclusive environment


  ●Become a lean organization through business process optimization and digitalization


■Main Goals

Main KPIs

2023 Actual


(1) Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave


100% in 2025*2

(2) Female manager ratio


20% in 2030

(3) Female director ratio*3


※Reaching the government's target (30% by 2030) and aiming to continue to do so in the future

(4) Gender wage gap


Further corrective action by increasing the percentage of female managers and reducing overtime hours for general positions

*1 Actual in 2023 *2 1+days of leave
*3 ‘executive officers’ defined in the Corporate Law


■About “Vision 2028”:


※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.