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September 15 - 24 is Global Goals Week (SDGs Week) — <strong>coca-cola</strong> Bottlers Japan Sustainability Activities — | Corporate Blog | <strong>coca-cola</strong> Bottlers Japan Inc.

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September 15 - 24 is Global Goals Week (SDGs Week) — coca-cola Bottlers Japan Sustainability Activities —

September 15, 2023

Every year, during the final week of September, which aligns with the United Nations General Assembly, we celebrate Global Goals Week. This important week is dedicated to raising awareness and mobilizing action towards the promotion and realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For this year, Global Goals Week falls between September 15 and 24. In this article, we will introduce our sustainability activities that contribute to the attainment of SDGs.

In line with the Sustainability Framework of the coca-cola System in Japan, built on the three platforms of Inclusion, Community, and Resources, we have established our CSV Goals as non-financial business targets. Our objective is to create a sustainable business and society while achieving our Mission. We have assessed the impact of the three platforms- Inclusion, Communities, Resources- on SDGs and are actively working towards them.

1. Inclusion

To address the different needs of our stakeholders and ensure sustainable growth, we are focused on developing diversified human resources. In addition, we are continuing to create a working environment in which each and every employee can fully demonstrate their strengths, regardless of their background or values.

● Gender
We are committed to creating an environment where women can actively participate. In addition to being an early adopter of flexible and remote work systems, we take a comprehensive approach women's empowerment. This includes the expansion of our spousal maternity leave system and promoting higher utilization of maternity leave.
To further cultivate female candidates for management, we have established a system providing women the opportunity to systematically learn the perspectives and skills required for leadership. This is achieved by establishing tailored training programs aligned with their respective position and rank.

● Internal Awareness-Raising Efforts For LGBTQ+
We are actively working on raising awareness of LGBTQ+ issues. We are establishing systems, mechanisms, and building an ally* network to ensure that all employees have accurate knowledge and can help foster an environment where diversity is respected and discrimination is avoided, both inside and outside the company.
We have redefined the term 'spouse' in our internal regulations to enable all employees to access welfare benefits, including childcare and family care leave, regardless their partner's gender or marital status. We also updated our Human Rights Policy to include gender identity and expression, setting forth policies not just in terms of physical traits, but also in a manner that is consistent with diversity of mind and character. In 2021, we launched an LGBTQ+ consultation service, where not only employees but their managers can anonymously seek help and guidance on LGBTQ+ related topics.

*Ally is a person who proactively understands and supports LGBTQ+ regardless of whether or not they are sexual minorities

Beginning in 2023, the week including the date of June 27, when the Stonewall riots occurred, was designated as Pride Week, and a series of LGBTQ+ talk events and film screenings were held to provide employees with opportunities for awareness and learning.

> See here for more details on Inclusion.

2. Communities

We have entered into agreements to promote SDGs as well as broader comprehensive partnership agreements with local governments and organizations to work with stakeholders and address local issues.

● Signed a Partnership Agreement on SDGs Promotion with Oyama City (Tochigi Prefecture)
CCBJI and Oyama City signed an agreement to promote and disseminate SDG information, as well as collaborate on SDG-related efforts. As a first step, a vending machine was installed at the Watarase Yusuichi Stork Community Centre to support environmental conservation activities that help people coexist with endangered Oriental Storks.

● SDG Partnerships with Saitama Prefecture
CCBJI became a registered SDG partner with Saitama Prefecture and endorses its unique SDG activities. We entered into an agreement with Saitama Prefecture and Saitama International Association to collaborate in the development of global human resources. We also have donated a portion of our sales to Saitama Global Human Resources Fund.

> See here for more details on Communities.

3. Resources

In order to make effective use of valuable resources in a sustainable manner, we continue to devise and improve ways to protect the environment.

● Initiatives to achieve the 2030 Packaging Vision
The coca-cola system in Japan is actively working towards its 2030 Packaging Vision. This vision aims to use 100% sustainable materials for PET bottles by 2030. As part of these efforts, initiatives such as "bottle-to-bottle" ※ have been promoted, achieving a 50% usage rate by 2022. Through the collection and recycling of used PET bottles, we will contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Packaging Vision and the promotion of horizontal recycling in Japan.

※The total of bottle-to-bottle recycled PET materials and plant-derived PET materials

Cooperative bottle-to-bottle ventures with local governments
We are working with local governments to collect and recycle used PET bottles. These projects aim to bring together citizens, businesses, and government to enhance the reliability of collecting and recycling used PET bottlers. In pursuit of our commitment to horizontal recycling of PET bottles, as of September 2023, we have successfully made agreements with approximately ten municipalities.

Conclusion Ceremony of Collaboration Agreement on PET Bottle Recycling with Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture

Cooperative bottle-to-bottle ventures with business partners
We have launched a bottle-to-bottle recycling program with Mitsubishi Estate . The scheme collects used PET bottles from office shared areas and turns them into new PET bottle products. We also launched a bottle-to-bottle project that collects used PET bottles from Sugi Pharmacy stores.

Bottle-to-Bottle process with Sugi Pharmacy

> See here for more details on resources.

● Water
Water is the first ingredient in most of our beverages. It is also central to the sustainability of our business and the health of our communities. In March 2021, The coca-cola company announced a global framework for its new water security strategy looking ahead to 2030. The new strategy focuses on conserving sustainable water resources through water replenishment in communities, advocacy for more stringent policies and responsible water use in our operations and the community. With eyes on the entire value chain, The coca-cola company aims for a 100% replenishment rate at each of our production facilities and looks to support communities around watersheds where floods and droughts are starting to occur due to global warming. We are shifting our focus toward making a greater positive impact on people and ecosystems. We will enhance replenishment activities using diverse methods to match the conditions of each area as we keep targeting at least 100% replenishment of water sources and watersheds for all our plants.

● Initiatives towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions
The coca-cola System in Japan is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our supply chain, in alignment with the Paris Agreements and scientific evidence. Our ultimate goal is to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. To help get there. We have set medium-term CSV Goals, which aim to reduce GHG emissions across the entire Japan value chain by 50% in Scope 1 and 2, and by 30% by 2030(compared to 2015 levels). To achieve these targets, we are taking a range of actions.

We launched the Akashi Mega DC, an automated distribution center with one of the largest storage and shipment capacities in the coca-cola System in Japan. Our goal is to create a highly efficient distribution network by gradually consolidating warehouse operations, such as sorting, picking and inventory storage, traditionally conducted at each sales center. This will help us to deliver products to business partners and vending machines while reducing long-distance transport and GHG emissions.

About Mega DC :

We have implemented recycling programs, such as CAN to CAN, horizontal recycling of collected aluminum cans from recycle boxes placed next to our vending machines to use as materials of side part of cans, pallet-to-pallet※1, and shell-to-shell※2 programs. These programs actively collect used aluminum cans and distribution materials for recycling. Together they help reduce GHG emissions by promoting the recycling of materials.

※1 Light blue or black platforms used for transporting and storing products

※2 Cases for bottle products

Collaboration with all stakeholders is essential to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). In addition to the examples introduced, we are working to solve many issues towards the creation of shared value. Let's think about sustainability opportunities around you during Global Goals Week (SDGs Week).

For details, please check our Integrated Report 2022.

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