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Human Rights and Employee Job Satisfaction|<strong>coca-cola</strong> Bottlers Japan Inc.

Human Rights and Employee Job Satisfaction

Human Rights and Employee Job Satisfaction

SDG-related Initiatives

CSV Goals (Creating Shared Value) *The base year is 2015 and the target year is 2025 unless otherwise noted.

Human rights
  • 100% : Adherence to Supplier Guiding Principles across the coca-cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. Group value chain

Respect for human rights

The CCBJH Group recognizes that respect for human rights is the basis of corporate activities for the sustainability of communities. We actively implement initiatives to ensure the respect for human rights.
We ensure compliance with the Supplier Guiding Principles, which are a vital pillar of The coca-cola Company’s human rights and workplace accountability programs, across the entire value chain.

Human Rights Policy

The CCBJH Group has formulated a Human Rights Policy to ensure its business activities comply with international human rights principles that promote and protect human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

In accordance with this policy, we strive to thoroughly respect the rights of all, to help resolve various issues in Japan and globally, and to establish respect for human rights in the workplace.

Human Rights Policy

Educational activities in-house

To deepen our understanding of respect for human rights, we conduct rank-based training and e-learning as well as raise awareness by sharing information via the company intranet with regard to compliance with Japan’s Labor Standards Act and encouraging employees to take annual paid leave. Through these activities, we are creating vibrant, sound workplaces and fostering employees who take ownership of human rights issues, are considerate of others and always act from the other person’s point of view.

Educational activities in-house

Health and Productivity Management

Development of personnel system

We appropriately evaluate and compensate employees’ contributions to the achievement of our strategic goals in line with our company Mission, Vision, and Values, as represented by our corporate philosophy “Paint it RED! Let’s Repaint our Future.” Aiming to continue to be an employer of choice, we will work to attract more talented and diverse human resources and promote the personal growth of every individual. In addition, we are establishing systems and mechanisms so that our employees can select the right working style for their personal situation and can fully contribute their skills at work.
In recognition of these initiatives, we received a score of 4.5 stars, marking an increase of 0.5 stars from the previous year, in the Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey for fiscal 2021.

  • Examples of systems and policies
  • Evaluations and human resource development programs that emphasize Values (behaviors) in addition to business performance
  • Introduction of results-based bonuses that reward high performers
  • Remuneration that is competitive in the labor market and awarded in accordance with the position’s roles and responsibilities
  • An employee benefit system that enables employees to continue working with motivation and a feeling of security

Initiatives to enhance work style reforms

[Improving operational processes]

We are promoting fundamental operational reforms using a division of labor system in the vending business optimized logistics and delivery systems by constructing Mega DC and automated warehouses, and efficiency improvement of routine operations through shared services in the back office (BSO).

In addition, we are strengthening the foundation for work style reforms by actively promoting digitalization and IT utilization, such as the introduction of RPA for improving operational efficiency and the distribution of smartphones to all employees.

Improving operational processes

[Countermeasures for flexible work styles and appropriate working hour management]

In order to realize flexible work styles, we are endeavoring to achieve a work-life balance by promoting working remotely and working at satellite offices as well as by establishing an employee-friendly system, such as allowing sales departments to conduct business negotiations remotely wherever possible and permitting employees to go direct to client sites and return home directly thereafter.

Moreover, we are promoting employee awareness of time management, such as introducing a clock-in system (the time between reporting to work and leaving work equals actual working hours) that enables accurate attendance management, promoting plans to take annual leave at the beginning of the year, and providing opportunities to learn about the importance of time management in the training of supervisors.

Countermeasures for flexible work styles and appropriate working hour management

Endorsed the "Action Declaration of Regional Revitalization Telework Promotion"

On July 1, 2022, we endorsed the "Declaration of Regional Revitalization Telework Promotion" promoted by the Cabinet Office. The term "Regional Revitalization Telework" refers to telework that contributes to regional development, such as working in satellite offices in rural areas, a movement that aims to contribute to the revitalization of rural areas in a variety of ways.
We will continue to support remote work and satellite offices to promote a location-independent work style. See here for the details.

action declaration

Initiatives for health management

Maintaining and improving employee health is an important management issue. CCBJI health declaration “Sawayaka Style” seeks to nurture a corporate climate of “Health Comes First” aiming for all employees to remain healthy until the age of 100 under with the slogan of “Road to 100.” This initiative is led by President and CEO Calin Dragan as “Chief Health Management Officer,” while Head of Human Resources and General Affairs Function Narihiko Uemura, plans and implements specific measures as “Chief Health Management Promotion Officer.”
We are also implementing the “Sawayaka Challenge” program to provide opportunities for employees to think about health promotion on their own, take concrete action, and habituate these actions.

Initiatives for health management

*Sawayaka Style is a general term for activities that create an environment where employees can work comfortably by welcoming and respecting diverse personalities and positive ways of thinking.

Sawayaka Challenge
Because autonomous health maintenance and promotion by employees is important, through “Sawayaka Challenge,” we provide a program called John, the name of the CCBJI Group’s automation assistant, that promotes initiatives to improve living habits.
specific initiatives

Initiatives for occupational safety

Based on the philosophy that “health and safety come first,” protecting the safety and health of employees and achieving a fulfilling corporate social responsibility form the Group’s foundation for business continuity. The Group works to create and nurture a culture of safety based upon mutual trust and by putting principles into practice.

As part of this effort, in October 2021, we opened the Safety Learning Center to teach employees about safety in-house. We are now working to heighten risk sensitivity to prevent occupational accidents before they occur with training using both an interactive safety device for getting caught in machinery, electrical shock, trips and falls, and coca-cola’s proprietary interactive VR device. In addition, we are strengthening efforts to prevent recurrence, such as sharing information on incidents that occur with all employees and providing guidance to a department where an accident occurred to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Training using the interactive VR device
Training using the interactive VR device
Safe driving training for new graduate employees
Safe driving training for new graduate employees

Human Rights Policy

Coco-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group (hereinafter "Our Group") respects the global human rights principles that are defined for the purposes of promotion and protection of human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and sets forth the policies as below to ensure the respect for human rights with the aims to work on antidiscrimination measures and other human rights issues in Japan and to build respect for human rights at our workplaces.

  1. Respect for Human Rights

    Our Group respects human rights. Respect for human rights is a fundamental value of Our Group, and our aim is to help increase the enjoyment of human rights within the communities in which Our Group operates.
    This policy applies to Our Group, the entities that Our Group owns, the entities in which Our Group holds a majority interest, and the facilities that Our Group manages.
    Our Group develop a due diligence process for human rights as a means to identify, prevent, and mitigate human rights risks of the business partners in our business and value chain. When an overt or latent adverse impact on human rights are identified in the course our business activities, we will strive to prevent and mitigate such impact in a rightful and fair manner. If Our Group's business activities are found to have been engaged in adversely impacting affairs directly or through relationship with a third party, we will remedy such issue or strive to provide equivalent support via appropriate procedures and work on the prevention of reoccurrence.

  2. Community and Stakeholder Engagement

    We recognize that we impact the communities in which we operate.
    We work with stakeholders in each community to listen to their opinions, learn from them, and reflect them in our business activities.
    We strive to communicate with stakeholders, as necessary, with respect to human rights issues related to our business.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion

    We value and advance the diversity and inclusion of the people with whom we work. We are committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and are intolerant of discrimination and harassment at workplaces. We work to maintain workplaces that are free from discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, sex, color, national or social origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political opinion or any other status protected by applicable laws. The basis for recruitment, hiring, placement, development, training, compensation and advancement at Our Group is qualifications, performance, skills and experience. We do not tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, unfair treatment or retaliation of any kind, regardless of any personality or status. Harassment is not tolerated not only inside but outside the workplaces.

  4. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

    We respect our employees' right to form a labor union without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. Furthermore, we strive to exchange constructive dialogues with the labor union and deliver negotiation in good faith.

  5. Workplace Security

    We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other unsafe or disruptive conditions due to internal and external threats.
    Security safeguards for employees are provided, as needed, and are maintained with respect for employee privacy and dignity.

  6. Forced Labor

    We prohibit the use of any forms of forced labor.

  7. Prohibition of Child Labor

    We prohibit the hiring of individuals that are under 18 years of age for positions that entail hazardous work, pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.

  8. Work Conditions

    We operate our business in compliance with laws and regulations applicable to wages, work hours, overtime work, and benefits.

  9. Healthy Lifestyles

    We are committed to providing transparent nutrition information and a range of beverage options to enable consumers to make informed choices consistent with a healthy lifestyle.

  10. Guidance and Reporting for Employees

    We strive to create workplaces in which open and honest communications among all employees are valued and respected.
    We are committed to comply with applicable labor and employment laws wherever we operate.
    Any employee who believes there is a conflict between the language of this policy and applicable laws, customs and practices; who has questions or concerns about this policy; or recognize an action that may violate this policy; are required to contact his/her manager, HR staff in charge, or the internal or external Ethics & Compliance Reporting Hotline, who makes every effort to maintain confidentiality.
    No reprisal or retaliatory action will be taken against any employee for raising concerns under this policy. We will investigate, address and respond to the concerns of employees and will take appropriate corrective action in response to any violation.
    The Human Rights Policy is aligned with Our Group's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

  11. Scope of Application

    This policy is applicable to all the officers and employees of Our Group. In addition, we require our business partners to respect the Articles 3, 5, 6, and 7 herein.

  12. Enforcement Date

    The policy is revised and enforced effective November 1, 2020.