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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Logo and Statement Created for Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Logo and Statement Created for Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group
- Highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion for a fair and inclusive environment -

Jun 03, 2024
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. has created a logo and statement for the Group’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives to communicate our intentions and stance on DE&I.





To realize our corporate mission to "deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value", CCBJH is promoting DE&I by focusing on proactive efforts for diversity and gender equality as core business imperatives. In line with the new logo and statement, our diverse employees, differing in age, race, nationality, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual expression, and work style, will continue to respect each other's differences and engage in constructive discussions. By maintaining high-quality standards, we continue to provide safe, reliable products and services that meet the needs of our customers, consumers, shareholders, and local communities. Additionally, we aim to create a positive cycle in society by continuously delivering value to all stakeholders through our business activities.



■Message from Representative Director & President Calin Dragan


To further strengthen our human capital, we will create an inclusive environment where all employees can be themselves.


To achieve sustainable growth, we must strengthen our human capital, the foundation of our business. By integrating and consolidating processes, we have incorporated diverse peoples, cultures, and values into our organization. These are our strengths, and they are essential to our growth. We are actively developing initiatives to maximize the value of our human resources and leverage their diversity.


In 2023, we reviewed our existing material issues and identified unique materialities across three categories: Environment, Social, and Governance. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) is the key theme closely tied to the focus areas of our people strategy. Now, in June 2024, we have developed a DE&I statement and logo to communicate our stance on DE&I to all our stakeholders.


To enable employees with diverse backgrounds and values show their strengths and achieve great results, we have encouraged flexible work styles even after the pandemic. We have not fixed the ratio of remote work and have continued the Super Flex system without core hours. We are also expanding efficient work options by promoting digital transformation. In addition, we are implementing several initiatives. These include increasing the number of male employees taking parental leave and boosting the ratio of female employees and managers. We also have the Exchange Program, which offers short-term training within the global Coca-Cola system to support young employees’ growth. Furthermore, we have a program to retain non-Japanese employees.


Through these programs, we believe that we will create new value and drive innovation by embracing our employees’ diversity. This includes a wide range of ages, races, nationalities, abilities, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expression, and work styles. By respecting and integrating these differences, we aim to further strengthen our human capital. We strive to create an inclusive environment where all employees can be themselves and maximize their abilities. We will continue working together towards sustainable growth and increased corporate value, to realize our mission of delivering happy moments to everyone while creating value.



■ The New Logo "Be COLORFUL!"


Symbolizing Diversity and Inclusiveness: The logo expresses how everyone shines in their own unique way, valuing the individual colors of each person to create a richer, more vibrant picture.

Expressing Diversity: It uses colors representative of our product packages to highlight the diversity within CCBJH.

Unique Symbols: The “O” in "Be COLORFUL!" transforms into seven different symbols, each carrying its own message.

■Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan’s initiatives for Inclusion:


※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the release.