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"CSV Report 2021" Now Available - Embracing Change to Achieve Sustainable Growth | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


"CSV Report 2021" Now Available - Embracing Change to Achieve Sustainable Growth
Non-financial Information: Including Sustainability Strategies and Initiatives in the “With Corona” Era.

May 26, 2021
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. (Headquarters in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & President Calin Dragan; hereafter “CCBJH”) published the "CSV Report 2021", which summarizes efforts to realize value creation with society, on May 26. It is available on the company website. (


We aim to contribute to the development of a sustainable society through our beverage business with CSV (Creating Shared Value) as the foundation of our management, which takes business growth and social sustainability as one challenge. The CSV Report 2021 provides a compact listing of strategies in the ESG area (environmental, social and governance) to achieve sustainable growth, initiatives in the three platforms of the "Sustainability Framework" identified by the Coca-Cola system in Japan, and environmental data so that stakeholders can better understand the company. We also introduced the transformation we have promoted for sustainable growth under the strong will of that business as usual was not an option while economic activities and social life were completely changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.


 [Key Features of CSV Report 2021]

● Three key activities are highlighted.

"Efforts at ‘With Corona’ Era", "Hiroshima Plant recovery from natural disaster", and "Toward a World Without Waste" are highlighted at the beginning of the report.

● "Value Creation Cycle", "Japan Coca-Cola System Sustainability Framework" and "Value created by CCBJH Group". These are introduced in more details than previous reports.

It provides a detailed explanation of the relevance and positioning of the "Coca-Cola System Sustainability Framework" and our non-financial goal "CSV goals". In particular, through our business activities, we are demonstrating the economic and social value (Outcome) that we create for the society we are aiming for.

● "Value Creation Initiatives" in three platforms: "Inclusion", "Communities" and "Resources".

The activities that have been addressed in line with the nine priority issues of the three platforms identified by the Coca-Cola System in Japan. It shows the impact that we have had through our activities and the direction we will be in the future.


[Outline of CSV Report 2021]

Date of release: May 26, 2021

Format: A4 48 pages (Japanese PDF/English PDF)

URL: Japanese edition:

        English edition:

Reviewed period: Jan. 2020 – Dec. 2020

Other: A digest version will be posted on our website in June 2021



[Key contents of CSV Report 2021]

● Highlights

- Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Recovery from natural disaster at the Hiroshima Plant

- Toward a World Without Waste

● Corporate Philosophy

- “Paint it RED! Let’s Repaint Our Future”

● section 1 "Value Creation Story"

- Top message

- Coca-Cola System Sustainability Framework

- CCBJH Group Commitment toward Value Creation

● section 2 " Value Creation Initiatives "

- Platform “Inclusion”

- Platform "Communities"

- Platform "Resources"

● section 3 "Foundation for Value Creation"

- Customer satisfaction - Quality Assurance

- Ethics and Compliance - Risk management

- Human Rights and Employee Job Satisfaction - Corporate Governance

- CCBJH Group Profile

- External Evaluations


Please see here for the PDF version.


*Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.