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CCBJH Issues CSV Report 2022 | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


CCBJH Issues CSV Report 2022
- Detailing actions to enhance our value -

Jun 10, 2022
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. has issued the CSV Report 2022 today, containing initiatives for creating shared value (CSV) for our society, on the company website (

We place creating economic value through business and Creating Shared Value (CSV) with society at the core of our management. For this reason, we actively promote initiatives to enhance these values. Through the CSV Report 2022, we aim to allow stakeholders know more about CCBJH’s actions based on Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs) defined by the United Nations. This year’s report features our Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) strategies to achieve sustainable growth, initiatives on the three platforms of the Coca-Cola system in Japan’s sustainability framework, as well as environmental and other data in a condensed manner. In addition, the report carries our "Value Creation Process" that outlines how we create shared value with stakeholders.

CCBJH continues to make efforts in solving social issues through our business activities and aim to realize a sustainable society by “delivering happy moments to everyone while creating value.”


[Summary of CSV Report 2022]
Date of issue: Friday, June 10, 2022
Format: A4 50 pages (Japanese PDF/English PDF) *e-book version to be posted in mid-June
URL: Japanese version:、English version:
Period reviewed: January 2021 to December 2021 (including some activities reported in 2022. Numerical data is also for the period from January 2021 to the end of December 2021.)


<Key features>
●The overall picture leading up to creation of shared value (CSV) that we aim for, is introduced as "Value Creation Process".

We reviewed the relationship and positioning of CCBJH Group's CSV Goals with the sustainable framework of the Coca-Cola System in Japan, and recreated our "Value Creation Process." This outlines how we can create economic and social value from capital input through value provided to stakeholders (outcome and output).


●Results and progress of CCBJH Group’s CSV goals in 2020 and 2021 are stated.
By running the PDCA cycle throughout the value chain while checking the progress of our initiatives each year, we are steadily making progress toward achieving our targets. With respect to “percentage of sustainable materials* used in PET bottles”, we reached 40% at the end of 2021 thanks to accelerated initiatives such as "Bottle-to-Bottle" . In addition, "Water source replenishment" was significantly higher than the target at the end of 2021 through reinforcement of partnerships with forest conservation organizations in the water source areas.
*Sustainable materials: Total recycled PET materials from "bottle-to-bottle" recycling and plant-derived PET materials.


●The report highlights key activities in the three platforms of Inclusion, Communities and Resources.
Under the platform of Inclusion, we introduce programs to promote diversity/inclusion and increase the ratio of female managers. In our Communities platform CCBJH lays out the work achieved by SDG seminars as well as the online plant tours. In Resources, we explain our targets for reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions announced in October 2021 as well as other major initiatives of the Coca-Cola system in Japan. The CSV Report shows the successful impact of our CSV activities as well as our future direction.


<Main items>
●Section 1 “The CSV story”

-Top Message 
-Mission, Vision and Values
-Value Creation Process
-The idea of Sustainability Framework
‐CSV Goals
-List of CCBJH Group’s products and brands
-Financial highlights
-External evaluations, endorsement and participation
●Section 2 “The CSV challenge”
-Platform: Inclusion 
-Platform: Communities
-Platform: Resources
●Section 3 “The CSV foundation”
-Customer satisfaction -Quality assurance 
-Ethics and Compliance ‐Human Rights 
-Ways of working and health management -Risk Management
-Corporate governance -List of Directors
-CCBJH Group Profile

※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.