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Selected as a component of "DJSI Asia Pacific", a leading index for ESG <strong>investment</strong>, for 2nd consecutive year | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


Selected as a component of "DJSI Asia Pacific", a leading index for ESG investment, for 2nd consecutive year

Sep 26, 2019
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

News Release









September 26, 2019

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.




Selected as a component of "DJSI Asia Pacific", a leading index for ESG investment, for 2nd consecutive year




Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. (Headquarters in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director & President Calin Dragan) has been selected as a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (hereinafter “DJSI”) for the Asia Pacific region for 2nd consecutive year. DJSI is a world-renowned ESG (Environment, Society, and Governance) investment index. This year, the top 148 companies (of which 76 were from Japan) including CCBJH were selected out of approximately 600 major companies in the region.


DJSI is a stock index jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices in the U.S., and RobecoSAM in Switzerland. It conducts detailed investigations targeting more than 3,500 major companies around the globe, in the three areas of Economy, Environment, and Society, to select companies that are highly sustainable. It is a global index for ESG investments and serves as the benchmark for selecting key investment targets. The appraisals serve as the standard in selecting key investment destinations as a global index for ESG investment.


Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. specified "THE ROUTE to Shard Value", CCBJH's initiatives in the areas of "Environment", "Society", and "Governance" and commitments toward Creating Shared Value (CSV) with society in the five-year mid-term plan "THE ROUTE to 2024", which was announced in August. The CCBJH Group will continue to position CSV as one of its most important management issues, further advance CSR in accordance with ISO26000, the international standard for social responsibility, and work to solve social issues through its business activities in line with the 3 pillars of "Health", "Environment", and "Community" to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.




【Reference】 DJSI Website



Reference Overview of "THE ROUTE to Shared Value"

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. on August 7, 2019 announced "THE ROUTE to Shard Value", CCBJH's initiatives in the areas of ESG and commitments toward Creating Shared Value (CSV) with society.

This includes a strong commitment to the new environmental targets "World Without Waste" announced by Coca-Cola (Japan) Company, Ltd.  on July 12, 2019, and we aspire to become a model case for plastic resource recycling in the world by deepening collaboration with excellent resource recycling schemes in Japan.









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