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Sustainability Management | Sustainability | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management

Promoting sustainability management based on the concept of “ownership”

Our sustainability strategy makes CSV the cornerstone of management

 The mission of the CCBJH Group is to deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value. These words convey our strong desire to create value that brings happiness and special moments to people’s everyday lives and a better future through our employees, products, and services. To achieve this, we have made creating shared value (CSV) a cornerstone of management. This means enhancing both economic value through business growth and social value through the resolutionof social issues. This is the basis of our sustainability strategy.

Achieving the CSV Goals to realize our mission

 In 2019, the Coca-Cola System in Japan announced its sustainability framework, which identifies three platforms - Inclusion, Communities, and Resources - and nine priority issues.
 We established non-financial CSV Goals as numerical targets not only to identify but also to solve priority issues. We are steadily making progress toward achieving our goals by implementing the PDCA cycle throughout the value chain and monitoring the progress each year.

New Sustainability Committee

 In 2023, we established a Sustainability Committee to strengthen the system for developing policies and strategies related to various issues including climate change and biodiversity, in line with our CSV Goals. On this committee, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) discuss sustainability issues then communicate the decided direction and strategies to ensure all divisions carry out sustainable activities efficiently and comprehensively. In addition, measures to address sustainability-related risks, such as climate change and biodiversity conservation, are an important priority for our Board of Directors, and we take risk selection and growth potential discussed by the Sustainability Committee into account when establishing management policies.

Sustainability Committee promotion system

Enhancing information disclosure outside the Company and fostering a sense of ownership inside the Company

 We identified Mitigation of and Adaptation to Climate Change as one of our material issues. In 2022, we disclosed information in accordance with the TCFD recommendations, participated in climate change initiatives, and conducted other activities such as forest conservation and water source replenishment across our territory in cooperation with local residents and employees. We also continue to promote various horizontal recycling initiatives, including “bottle-to-bottle,” “CAN to CAN(*1),” “pallet-to-pallet(*2),” and “shell-to-shell(*3),” to effectively utilize resources.
 We hold regular online study sessions and e-learning programs so that employees can understand and agree with the CSV Goals and take action in respect of our CSV goals. We are also training internal instructors to communicate our sustainability initiatives to external stakeholders.

*1 Horizontal recycling of aluminum cans
*2 Light blue or black platforms used for transporting and storing products
*3 Cases for bottle products

Keeping up sustainability initiatives will lead to the delivery of happy moments and the creation of values

 As a company that uses the irreplaceable resource of water for business, we are working to ensure its sustainability and mitigate environmental impacts to conserve the natural environment. Accordingly, we have conducted water replenishment activities, including tree-planting activities, to preserve water for decades. As a part of this, our employees actively participate in clean-up activities for water sources to conserve and return to nature the same amount of water we use at our plants. The things we have regarded with importance and continued to do have ultimately led to solutions to social issues. We will continue striving to create values and realize a world where the air and water are clean and where everyone can enjoy happy moments and a fulfilling life by actively and continually working to address various social issues.