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Personnel Systems & Employee Benefits|Mid-Career Recruitment|<strong>coca-cola</strong> Bottlers Japan Inc.

Personnel Systems & Employee Benefits

Personnel Systems

Asset Accumulation

  • Retirement bonus
  • Employee shareholding association
  • Handling asset accumulation savings
  • Group insurance

Insurance, Allowance

  • Full social insurance coverage
    (Health insurance, employees' pension insurance, unemployment insurance, worker's accident compensation insurance)
  • Overtime work allowance
  • Allowance for working on Holidays, etc.

Holidays, Leave

  • Annual paid leave (half-day and hourly paid leave is also available)
  • Accumulated paid leave
  • Congratulatory and condolence leave
    (Marriage, childbirth, funeral, transfer, public duty, disaster, etc.)


  • Individually designated holidays (not all departments are eligible)
  • Reduced working hour system
  • Affiliated recreational facilities
  • Discount coupons, etc.

Employee Benefits

Childcare, Nursing Care Leave

  • Childcare leave after childbirth
  • Childcare leave in gradual-entry period
  • Reduced working hours for childcare
  • Family-care of absence
  • Reduced working hours for family-care

Recreational Facilities

Affiliated accommodations are available at discounted prices

Challenge Holidays

Leave of absence to support employees' career development (acquisition of a degree or expertise) and volunteer activities (international cooperation and social welfare activities)

Welcome Back System

A system to rehire employees who have resigned for reasons such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, nursing care, or relocation of their spouse, etc.

Volunteer Leave(special paid leave)

Leave of absence to support employees' participation in social welfare activities, recovery support activities in disaster-affected areas, cleanup and environmental conservation activities, sporting events, and other social contribution activities

Refreshment Holiday

Paid holidays and payment of allowance will be provided in every 10 years of his/her service

Support for Group and Club Activities

CCBJI provides support for sports activities that lead to "health enhancement" and "team-building between employees".

Cafeteria Plan

Points are granted every year, and options, such as support for the thorough health checks and health management/assistance, are available.

Workplace Communication System

CCBJI provides support for recreational activities organized for team-building between employees in a workplace.

New ways of working by coca-cola Bottlers Japan

CCBJI is committed to work-style reforms to realize a workplace that allows each of our employees to develop their talent so that they can increase productivity and quality of work to ensure a good work–life balance and work actively in good health. We have, for example, adopted a flextime system to allow employees to work more flexibly, and offer the flexibility of working from a satellite office or home to encourage diverse and location independent ways of working. We also have an interval in-between work system to ensure a certain period of rest after the end of one day's work. Moreover, we are making a group-wide effort to reform our corporate culture by making it easier for employees to leave work early and take leave.

Systems and programs in CCBJI

  • Flextime system
  • Direct-market/direct-home
  • Working from home/satellite offices
  • No overtime day
  • Interval in-between work
  • Sick/injured child care leave, family-care leave (paid leave)

coca-cola Bottlers Japan Health Declaration

"Maintaining and enhancing the health" of our employees in one of our key management imperatives, and we strive to nurture a corporate culture of "Health comes first," with the aim of staying healthy even at the age of 100 ("Road to 100").
This initiative will be led by President and CEO Calin Dragan as the "Chief of Health Management," and Head of HR and General Affairs Narihiko Uemura will be developing and implementing concrete initiatives as the "Health Management Promotion Officer".

coca-cola Bottlers Japan Health Declaration

"Sawayaka Style"
~ "Road to 100" Striving for healthy body even at age 100 ~

As a company who always stays close to your daily lives, coca-cola Bottlers Japan places the first priority on good health at all times and offers products and services of value that meet the needs and preferences of all generations. As such, our employees themselves must lead an active and healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy work with a feeling of comfort. We recognize the responsibility for each employee to productively maintain good health and to take actions to enhance one's health, and the company and the Health Insurance Association will work in unison to advance various actions for maintaining and promoting health and strive to nurture a corporate climate of "Health as No.1".

Health related systems and programs in CCBJI

  • To live a healthy lifestyle

    • "Cafeteria points" that can be used for options, such as support for the thorough health checks and health management/assistance, are granted (cafeteria plan)
    • Support is provided for sports activities that lead to "health enhancement" and "team-building between employees" (Support for group and club activities)
    • Walking events and other activities to encourage employees to exercise
  • To reduce health risks

    • "No smoking during working hours" to reduce health risks of smokers and passive smokers
    • CCBJI covers the expenses for receiving smoking cessation outpatient services and provides strong support for smoking cessation
  • To work while receiving treatment

    • A system that allows employees to use their expired annual paid leave days for the leave for non-work related injury/illness (accumulated paid leave)
    • Leave of absence for non-work-related injury/illness and support from Mutual Aid Association in the form of consolatory money