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Report on the signing ceremony held for the “Boy Scout Support Agreement” | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

News Release

News Release

Report on the signing ceremony held for the “Boy Scout Support Agreement”

Apr 24, 2018
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

News Release



Apr. 24, 2018

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.


Report on the signing ceremony held for the “Boy Scout Support Agreement”

For which a part of the sales revenue will be used for providing support for “the youth who are taking on active roles in the society”

The very first “Boy Scout Support VM” in Tokyo has been installed



Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku Tokyo, Representative Director & President: Tamio Yoshimatsu) has installed the very first “Boy Scout Support VM” in Tokyo in accordance with its alignment with Scout Association of Japan (1-34-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo).

To celebrate the installation, a signing ceremony for the “Boy Scout Support Agreement” was held on Mon. Apr. 23.

Boy Scout is one of the highly internationalized groups for the youth that are established across the world, and is the largest group with approx. 40 million members located across 169 countries and regions. It aims to develop people who will take on active roles within the society via its outdoor activities.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. has shown its consent to the activities implemented by Scout Association of Japan whose concept is to “provide education so that the young members can establish his own health, experience the capabilities that can be utilized to make contribution for the society and the techniques that will be useful for his own life, and acknowledge and be able to put into practice the concept of being faithful and courageous, having confidence, and having the mindset of showing love for the internationalized world and of humanitarianism through their active participation in our activities”, which has led onto this signing for the Agreement.

By having concluded the Agreement, a part of the sales revenue obtained via the “Boy Scout support VM” will be provided to the Boy Scout groups implementing activities in each region as financial support, and will also be donated to the Scout Association in each prefecture to be utilized for operating activities for the youth.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. will continue to provide various supports in the future, too.


【Information regarding the Agreement signed】

■ Date/time of signing: Mon. Apr. 23, 2018

■ Venue of signing: Scout Association of Japan 7F Meeting room

(1-34-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)



Overview of the Boy Scout support VM

◆ What is Boy Scout?

When we hear the word Boy Scout, many people may be reminded of camping, hiking, and donation campaigns often held upon the street.  Boy Scout activities are held outdoors in groups by placing value onto the proactive mindset of each member to develop independence, cooperativeness, sociality, strength, and leadership.  The programs are wide in their variety, and members of each age group are participating in the corresponding activities.

This organization which started to provide educational activities for the youth starting from 1907 in U.K., has now expanded to one covering 169 countries and regions with approx. 40 million members, whereas in Japan, its activity groups accounts for approx. 2,000 across Japan, with approx. 105,000 members participating in its activities.  As for the details, please contact the Secretariat of Scout Association of Japan.  (


◆ The structure of the support


Please see here for the PDF version.