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Diversity & Inclusion|Mid-Career Recruitment|<strong>coca-cola</strong> Bottlers Japan Inc.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion at coca-cola Bottlers Japan

The coca-cola Bottlers Japan Group has made the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion (hereinafter "D&I") as one of its key management strategies essential for continuous development of the company.

What we value in promoting D&I is to respect the individuality of each employee, to actively incorporate diverse values and ideas, and to continue to create innovation.

In order to do so, we transformed our management structure last year by appointing directors not defined by nationality or gender, and we aim for more diverse management by identifying, debating, and making decisions on issues from diverse perspectives.

Medium/Long-term Vision

By respecting the diversity of our workforce, we will provide opportunities to enable all employees to leverage their full potential, regardless of gender, age, disability, race, nationality, sexual orientation, and other attributes, such as gender identity and expression, and unaffected by factors that could restrict their ability to work.

D&I Initiatives

In order to accelerate D&I in the entire group, we have identified "DEAR" as the symbol for diversity promotion and are working toward speedy execution of D&I actions in the group.
In addition, we aim to create a working environment where all employees are able to exert their potential, not only by raising awareness about D&I through various training programs and information sharing, but also through initiatives to tackle limiting requirements such as gender, age, and nationality.

"DEAR" motif

In our quest to promote diversity based on respect for human rights, coca-cola Bottlers Japan Group has chosen the lucky "four-leaf clover" as the motif, representing the "right for people to live happily" and the "happy" that is part of the group's mission.

Diverse training programs

We offer different training programs curtailed to the audience, including all employees and managers, to raise awareness and promote understanding about D&I. We also organize events where female employees can work together to ensure that they are not inhibited by gender differences.

Meeting of diversity promotion personnel in respective departments. It is a group discussion to identify challenges in each department and the direction for improvement.

Communication using internal SNS

We share information to allow communication among all employees through internal SNS posts and message relays across the business area.


We promote initiatives through recruitment, training, and awareness-raising programs.

Reinforce hiring of women

Percentage of new female hires (CCBJI non-consolidated)

We accelerate the employment of female workers with an aim to reach 15% permanent female employees by 2025.
(March 2020 present)

Awareness-raising programs

In order to encourage male employees to take childcare leave, we distribute "papa aprons" to male employees after the birth of their children.

We offer manager training on unconscious bias to improve knowledge and awareness about D&I.


We provide female employees with next-generation leadership training, and have them review their work and learnings with the presence of their managers.

We organized the "Encouragement Training for Women" to allow those who participated in the Junior Management Training to learn about leadership theory, accounting, and more.

Organized a round-table talk with female directors. Participants had an opportunity to discuss their concerns and receive hands-on advice.


We implement development initiatives.


We offer career-building opportunities, including next-generation leader development programs and job posting, for active employee engagement without age constraints.


To accelerate growth, we need diverse human resources from various cultures.
For this reason, we actively recruit foreign nationals as well, and employees from various nations are currently on board.

Sexual Orientation/Sexual Expression

Respecting the diversity of each employee, we promote initiatives to build a workplace in which all employees can work comfortably.

Awareness-raising efforts

We educate all employees on "LGBT Basic Knowledge" and offer "Harassment Training (SOGI Hara)" based on job position.

Revision of systems

The definition of a spouse has been revised as follows: "Partners shall not be discriminated by gender and shall include those in a relationship equivalent to a marriage," so that all internal systems are made available. "Other" was also added to the gender column of entry sheets and internal questionnaires.

Amendment of policies

We have revised our D&I and Human Rights policies to create a workplace environment that respects and admits every individual.


Our environment allows people with disabilities to work actively and with motivation by taking advantage of their characteristics.

coca-cola Bottlers Japan Benefit Inc. is certified as a special subsidiary as a corporation that secures employment for people with disabilities.

Factors restricting ability to work

We have systems and initiatives in place to overcome various constraints related to time, health, language, and employment.

External certifications

In order to accelerate D&I in the entire group, we have identified "DEAR" as the symbol for diversity promotion and are working toward speedy execution of D&I actions in the group.
In addition, we aim to create a working environment where all employees are able to exert their potential, not only by raising awareness about D&I through various training programs and information sharing, but through initiatives to tackle limiting requirements such as gender, age, and nationality.

Diversity management

coca-cola Bottlers Japan Benefit Inc. was certified as a "special subsidiary" that secures employment opportunities for people with disabilities.


Employment of people with disabilities

Received the Director's Award for Excellence in Disability Hiring in 2019 from the Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs.

Promotion of women's active participation

  • Semi-Nadeshiko

  • L-boshi

  • Kurumin

  • Tokyo Metropolitan Government Women's Participation Awards

Other external certifications