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CCBJH Issues 2022 Integrated Report | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


CCBJH Issues 2022 Integrated Report
Merging Annual Review and CSV Report with Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Jun 01, 2023
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. has released its inaugural integrated report, the “2022 Integrated Report”, consolidating its former Annual Review and CSV Report into a single document on the company website (



We disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner to enable stakeholders to better understand our business and to place their trust in the CCBJH Group. This Integrated Report was produced to broadly communicate financial and non-financial information to our stakeholders. Within this integrated report, we provide an overview of our initiatives as a total beverage company. These include actions focused on ensuring the safety and reliability of our products, as well as our commitment to creating shared value (CSV). Furthermore, we outline strategies for implementing a medium- to long-term value creation approach and attaining sustainable growth.



Our corporate philosophy, “Paint it RED! Let’s Repaint Our Future,” guides our mission to “Deliver happy moments to everyone while creating value.” It serves as the basis of our daily business operations. As the beverage industry in Japan experiences significant change at an accelerating pace, we remain agile in adapting to these environmental changes. Concurrently, we are committed to pursuing business growth and creating shared value with society through our unique value creation process.



【Summary of the 2022 Integrated Report】
Date of issue:June 1, 2023
Period covered:FY2022 (January 1, 2022–December 31, 2022) This report covers activities from January 2022 to the end of December 2022. (Including some activities reported in 2023) Numerical data is also for the period from January 2022 to the end of December 2022. 
Japanese version
English version 



【Key Features】


● A value creation story that identifies materiality and introduces the whole process of mission realization

The report presents our vision as a value creation story by reviewing current vital issues, identifying our unique materialities, categorizing them by theme, and relating them to our value creation process.


● Messages from the President and department heads, including chief officers

The report includes messages from the President, "Prioritizing structural profitability for future growth and profitability," and from each department principal, outlining respective policies, initiatives, and future direction in the Financial & Non-Financial Strategy and the Governance chapters.


● Overview of the Coca-Cola system worldwide and in Japan

The report provides an overview of the global Coca-Cola system, examples of collaboration within it, and an overall view of the Coca-Cola system in Japan with its integration history.




Main items:
●Value Creation Story/Message from the President
-Value Creation Process
-Process for Identifying Material Issues
-Material Issues


●Financial & Non-Financial Strategy
-Message from the CFO
-Commercial Strategy
-Initiatives by Channel and Category
-SCM Strategy
-Procurement Strategy
-People Strategy


-Sustainability Strategy
-Initiatives Based on CSV Goals


●Risk Management
-Business Resilience Strategy
-Managing Risk and Leveraging Opportunities
-TCFD Disclosure


-Governance Strategy
-Corporate Governance


※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.