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Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. Ebina Plant Recognized as Workplace Promoting Women’s Active Participation for 20<strong>1</strong>8 by Ebina City | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

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News Release

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. Ebina Plant Recognized as Workplace Promoting Women’s Active Participation for 2018 by Ebina City

Feb 04, 2019
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.

News Release





February 4, 2019

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc.




Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. Ebina Plant

Recognized as Workplace Promoting Women’s Active Participation for 2018 by Ebina City

- Facilitation of work arrangements/environment where each and every employee can flourish and feel rewarding -



Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan, Inc. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Toshio Yoshimatsu; the "Company") was honored on Saturday, February 2, by the city of Ebina as a workplace promoting women's active participation for 2018. 

This aims for the city to recognize a workplace actively creating a work environment where women can flourish with motivation and to advertise its initiatives.

The selection is made on three criteria: (1) Active utilization of women, appointment to managerial positions; (2) Support for balancing work and family life; and (3) Pleasant work environment in place for men/women.  An award recipient is chosen through selection by the Council for Gender Equality that is composed of academic experts, persons recommended by various organizations and citizens.

In the selection process, the Ebina plant was recognized for its three features: (1) Having a system to provide employees with work arrangements suitable for their circumstances, (2) Having a voluntary team led by women, and (3) Having a mechanism to improve its work environment, where the plant manager promptly takes up team’s improvement suggestions and gives the inputs to the management. 

The company will continue to enhance its internal system and create a rewarding work environment so that each and every one of its employees can thrive and shine.


From the left to right; Management Manager Takashi Karube, Mayu Kawashima,
Ebina City Mayor Masaru Uchino , Ebina Plant Manager Yoshihiro Shimotsu, Yurie Kashiwagi





【Name and mid-long term vision of Diversity Promotion Team of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group】







Mid-long Term Vision:

Promote activities to become an “excellent company with dignity”, creating transformation/innovation that lead to value creation and enhance competitiveness, by providing opportunities where all employees can fulfill their full potential regardless of their characteristics such as gender, age, disability, and nationality by respecting the diversity of each and every employee.



【Diversity Initiatives of Awarded Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. Ebina Plant】

(1) Active utilization of women, promotion to managerial positions

 Facilitation for women’s active participation

 We provide training courses for active utilization of women, and carry out active job assignment for expanding women's hiring rate.


 Launch of diversity promotion team DEAR

 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group launched a diversity promotion team "DEAR" in 2018.  The team is working to help create a workplace where all employees are equally given opportunities and awarded/promoted based on their performance.  The Ebina plant has its own initiative called "BiNa-GOLD" to work on reforms on more familiar topics, and they have a mechanism where the plant manager promptly takes up opinions from team members at a series of regular meetings, obtains management approval as necessary, and improves the work environment. 



(2) Support of work and family life balance

 Active use of Welcome-Back Plan

 Support for employees who resigned for childbirth/child-rearing to come back to their previous jobs after a few years.   


 Distribution of “Maternity/Child-Rearing Leave Guidebook”

 We distribute a list of plans available for child rearing with detailed information such as schedule from pregnancy notification to return to work, application documents, review of work after the return, consideration of overtime, and teleworking and flextime arrangements available for some jobs.  The booklet also describes leave for gradual entry and child care, as well as use of arrangements to suit the growth of children.


 Awareness activities of diversity promotion

 The plant manager explains the importance of diversity promotion at plenary meetings to enhance understanding of employees.



(3) Pleasant work environment for both men and women

 Shorter work arrangement after maternity/child-rearing leave

 Shorter working hour arrangement available until the child completes the third grade

 Power harassment prevention training

 E-learning to fully communicate to all employees (once a year)


 Awareness of work style improvement

 The plant manager and Ebina plant 's diversity promotion team "BiNa- GOLD" have monthly meetings to improve their work environment.

 <Example of activities of "BiNa-GOLD": Renovated employee break room>







Please see here for the PDF version.