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Disclosure Policy | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy

The Group aims to be a company which is properly understood and trusted by all of its stakeholders, by disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner.
Therefore, the Group shall disclose information under the policy described below in order to ensure healthy and transparent communication and information disclosure in the course of its corporate activities.

  • Basic Principles of Information Disclosure

    The Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Group aims to be a company which is trusted by society, by disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner on the basis of transparency, fairness and continuity so that stakeholders within and outside Japan, including shareholders and investors, can properly understand the Group.

    Information shall be disclosed in accordance with various regulations, including the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other laws and regulations within and outside Japan, as well as the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information stipulated in the “Securities Listing Regulations” of stock exchanges. Information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, etc. shall also be disclosed proactively if it is deemed useful for promoting investment decisions and understanding of the Group.

  • Methods of Information Disclosure

    Information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be made available on the Company website promptly after the disclosure thereof on the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with the said rules.

    Arrangements shall also be made to widely transmit information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules to stakeholders such as by making materials available on the Company website and distributing webcasts, if it is deemed useful for promoting investment decisions and understanding of the Group.

  • Handling of Earnings Forecasts and Future Information

    Any earnings forecasts, strategies and goals disclosed by the Group, which are not facts about the past, are based on the assumptions and decisions made by the Group’s Management based on information available as at the date of preparation thereof. Therefore, these may differ materially from the actual performance, etc. due to various risks and uncertainties. Please refer to the securities reports, etc. for details of these risks and uncertainties.

  • Handling of Insider Information (Designation of Quiet Period)

    In order to prevent the divulgence of financial information and ensure fairness, the period from the day following the closing date until the announcement of financial results shall be designated as the “quiet period,” during which the Group shall refrain from responding to questions or making comments on the financial results and earnings forecast; provided, however, that even during the quiet period, the Group shall respond to questions, etc. regarding information which is already disclosed or made public.

    If any fact subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules occurs during the quiet period, or if significant deviations are expected from the earnings forecast announced in advance, information shall be disclosed as necessary under the Timely Disclosure Rules.

  • Supplementary provisions

    The policy is enacted and enforced effective January 1, 2018.