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CCBJH Earns Place on CDP’s 2023 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard, the highest recognition attainable from Supplier Engagement Rating for the second consecutive year | News Release | News | Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings.

News Release


CCBJH Earns Place on CDP’s 2023 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard, the highest recognition attainable from Supplier Engagement Rating for the second consecutive year

Mar 07, 2024
Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc.

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Inc. (CCBJH) today announced that it has secured a position on CDP’s 2023 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard for the second consecutive year. This recognition represents the highest level of achievement attainable from the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) survey, which is conducted by the international non-profit organization, CDP.



SER assesses a company’s supply chain engagement towards climate-change issues based on their response to CDP's Climate Change Questionnaire, which is divided into four areas: governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement. CDP has selected a group of companies that rank among the highest in the world for supplier engagement in 2023. CCBJH was selected as an A List company in CDP’s 2023 Sustainability Survey. This rating represents the highest recognition attainable in the CDP annual corporate survey on sustainability (Note 1).


CCBJH is aligned with the Paris Agreement and has set science-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. The company is actively reducing GHG emissions throughout its supply chain with the aim of achieving virtually zero emissions by 2050. Under its mid-term non-financial goals, called CSV Goals, CCBJH aims to reduce GHG emissions in its entire value chain in Japan by 50% in Scope 1 and 2, and by 30% in Scope 3 by 2030 compared to 2015 levels. To meet these targets, the company is implementing a range of initiatives. CCBJH’s bottling plants are promoting the use of renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric power, and are purchasing "Green Power Certificates" to ensure electricity is sourced from natural energy sources, verified through third-party certification.


We continue to make efforts in resolving social issues through our business activities and aim to realize a sustainable society.


(Note 1) News release: Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings Achieves CDP’s Top A List Rating for Climate Change and Water Security


Sustainability initiatives of Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings


About CDP
CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. Founded in 2000 and working with more than 740 financial institutions with over $136 trillion in assets, CDP pioneered using capital markets and corporate procurement to motivate companies to disclose their environmental impact, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources, and protect forests. Over 24,000 organizations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2023, with more than 23,000 companies – including listed companies worth two thirds of global market capitalization - and over 1,100 cities, states and regions. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world. CDP scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero carbon, sustainable and resilient economy. CDP is a founding member of the Science Based Targets initiative, “We Mean Business Coalition,” The Investor Agenda and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.



※Please note that the information contained in news releases is current as of the date of release. Certain information may have changed since the date of release.